Katy + Paul | Doubletree Wedding

Jen + Dom | Koetcki's Wedding

Jess + Chris | Notting Hill Farm Wedding

Pro Tip: Make Your Pics Real

PRO TIP: Make your wedding day exist outside of your phone.

Or in other words, print the damn photos.

I’m sorry, I have to get blunt, as I’ve seen so many weddings simply live on a fleeting Facebook newsfeed. The digitals get posted, and then POOF. It’s over. You lovingly paid me to make these memories last forever. So let’s do just that. Print! Print! Print!

One week from now, and your wedding is actually LIVING in your living room. Ahhhhhh, that feels so much better.

You walk downstairs in the morning, and remember with a glance at your framed memory, how your heads felt pressed together during your first dance, eyes closed like no one else was in the room.

Now your day is started on that mindset of swaying romance and appreciation. Much, much better.

So fess up, who still needs prints??? I got you sister, let’s get that gallery reactivated and your living room living!

Vendor Spotlight: Just Desserts By Aimee

Check out this vendor we love! Just Desserts by Aime


Pro Tip: How to Cut your Cake

PRO TIP: Mark my words. This moment will come for you too. As it’s been asked to me with cake knife in hand at 189 of 194 weddings that I’ve shot. No exaggeration.

Here’s the scene: You’ve just fist pumped your way into your reception via intros, the adrenaline is pumping, you’ve taken at least two Fireball shots by now, and you walk over to your towering cake table as it’s time to cut the massive display.

💁🏻You’re going to look straight up at me and confusingly ask, “Ugghhhhhhh Jess, what do we do?”

Your question makes me chuckle every time, but I’m going to save you the brain tease right now.

🍽 I’ll have your cake serving set all lined up where I need you to stand. One of these tools is a cake knife. The other one that looks like a triangle on a handle is a cake server. Hold the knife together. Cut a piece from the bottom layer of the cake (because sometimes your top layers are foam!). Hold the cake server together. Serve it on the plate.

🍰 Then on the count of 3, feed each other together with the forks provided. Or for optimal face smashing capabilities, use your fingers.

Voila! You’ve now completed the tradition filled with symbolism:

🥂The hand of the groom is placed over the hand of the bride when cutting the cake to symbolize his support for her and her promise to take care of him and their family.

🥂Couples are encouraged to cut from the bottom tier symbolizes the longevity and continuity of their relationship.

🥂The bride and groom feeding each other symbolizes their commitment to take care of one another.
😈 So fess up, who smashed their cake into their spouses face???