Pro Tip: Moms In The Morning

Pro Tip: Get your mama in that hair chair.

Here's the deal: In order for your photographer to do bridal portraits in the morning, we need to get your dress on.

In order for your wedding dress to go on, your mom has to get her dress on before yours comes off the hanger (if she is the one to zip you up).

In order for your mom 's dress to go on, she needs to have hair & makeup done before your own.

You can see where I'm going with this. DON'T FORGET ABOUT MOM'S TIMELINE TOO! It's a common hang up moment of the day, when we forgot to tell mom she needs to be ready for a certain time for her shining moment as wedding dress zipper upper.

Trust me, she will never forgive you if she ends up having to do it in her robe with hair in rollers. Not a great look for the wedding album.

Good news! I always let my brides now what exact time their wedding dress zipper upper needs to be ready by in order to prevent this stress the morning of. I got you, mom.