Pro Tip: Don't Ditch Your Kicks

Pro Tip: How Not To End Up Barefoot On Your Wedding Day

Listen, I love the carefree dancing in my bare feet at a music festival vibe, but your wedding dance floor is full of spilled slippery drinks and broken glass. Not a good idea, you can already see why. The ladies you witness wearing their heels from getting ready photos, to end-of-the-night after party wear are not goddesses, although they may have you believing otherwise. Here is their secret...

1) Be honest with yourself. I get it's easy to fall in love with the must-have bridal shoe you see all over Pinterest. I know the exact pair, I've shot them dozens of times. Yes, they're pretty on camera. But what's not pretty is the half of my brides swearing at them by 3:00.

Ask yourself - are these heels far outside my comfort zone? If the answer is yes, consider an alternative block heel or flat thats just as sparkly from the same designer. There are even some local shoe repair shops that will file down heels. A bride who cannot move freely or walk makes for lesser quality wedding photos per my shooting style.

2) Practice. Be sure to walk in them daily until you become comfortable with the style. Wear socks when you test your heels around the house to help stretch them the tiniest bit, to create a comfortable worn-in feel. Do the Cupid Shuffle for your dog's entertainment.

3) Cheat. Invest in some great inserts that will cushion just the right spots like your arches and the balls of your feet. If you know you're going this route, don't forget to wear them when trying the shoes on for sizing! They will make the shoe smaller. I've seen so many girls put the inserts in for the first time the day of the wedding, and crowding their feet like stuffed sausages. No bueno.

4) Wear multiple pairs. That's right, I just gave you permission to buy more if you needed permission.

A great idea is to get your getting ready/ceremony pair, the ones you want photographed and you'll be walking down the aisle in, still following the tips above.

And then, grab a taking pictures/first look/dance floor pair, the ones you wont see at all but will save your feet and allow you to MOVE. Moving is key in photographs, and to show off your Despacito dance moves. I love supportive wedges and raised sneakers for this part to keep your dress at the right height still.

Practical doesn't have to mean boring!! But please use these secrets to not end up fishing out glass from the bottom of your foot on your big day. Yes, that's happened eek!